From frozen eggs to a baby - Things you have to know before freezing eggs

Date: 2019-05-22 18:48:47

eggs freezing

What are eggs freezing?

Eggs freezing is method what we collected eggs from woman’s uterus then frozen for storages. it can be dissolved and injected sperm, After that we can put back into the mother and Grow into a baby In order to fulfill the mother's dream, we certainly hope that every woman will not have to rely on the method of freezing eggs. If there is one day that you can naturally conceive

Why is eggs freezing?

Briefly, As an alternative to the future, in order to preserve the woman's choice In case of not have a pregnancy plan yet (the cause may be from a career, income or not a suitable spouse And many other reasons) but when a woman must have a pregnancy Frozen eggs will make more benefit compare with whom with not have frozen eggs. As an alternative to the future

How old related to the pregnancy?

The woman's egg determines the age of the woman. Age is the main factor affecting the quality of eggs. The younger will have more quality and quantity number of eggs

Every woman was born with more than a million eggs in uterus and when age increasing If those eggs are not fertilized Those eggs will come out naturally.

Quality: Age causes the quality of genetic material in eggs That affecting the pregnancy. The abnormal chromosome causes miscarriage (many abortions are caused by unhealthy genetic material affecting the embryo) or the absence of pregnancy in women. Chromosomal abnormalities also cause genetic diseases in the syndrome group. The older age will cause more effects than younger.

  1. At the age of 20, over the normality chromosome in the eggs is 80-90 %
  2. over 30, the normality chromosome in the egg is 50 %
  3. over 40, the normality chromosome in the egg is 10-20 %
How Egg Freezing Stop Egg Aging?

When the egg comes out of the Uterus and has been frozen by a specialist. Eggs will not become old and weak. Although women cannot stop their aging but can stop the age of the eggs

When frozen eggs, it will help maintain the properties of an egg. We should know that Women can be use frozen eggs to become pregnant. Through the use of modern technology to help

Does egg freezing have complex procedures?

It’s takes 8-11 days to stimulate the hormones That stimulate the production of many eggs for that month But not natural ovulation, that produces one at a time

In the period of 5-7 times under the supervision of the professional medical team Including the examination and ultrasound Doctor's diagnosis, the results of drugs used and rely on the growth of eggs for treatment plans

On the period of 10 to 15 minutes in the egg collection process. The patient is put in a sleep stage without any feeling. When waking up, they may feel a little pain such as a minor headache and cramping.

What are the drugs used to freeze eggs?

drugs used to freeze eggs

drugs used to freeze eggs

Hormones included drug used for stimulate eggs in one week cost between 800 yuan to 13000 yuan

How to collect eggs?

The doctor uses ultrasound to examine and use a needle to pierce from the ovaries through the ovarian cyst Take the needle and suck the egg out, then transfer the eggs to the embryo room and then take the eggs out.

The egg collection process takes 10-15 minutes without leaving the scars also does not stitches required.

How will eggs be frozen?

ไThe eggs are frozen using the crystal glass method, which is an immediately freezing method. Crystal freeze reduces the ice formation on the egg, prevented the formation of ice crystals that will damage the egg.

Is it painful while collecting the eggs?

Many women who have previously collected eggs do not feel any pain. Most of them are not familiar but most of them can endure even the people who are sensitive. For the egg stimulation process, the patient can do it yourself.

Generally, it is injected into the abdominal area (Don't worry, it's not too difficult or you can go to the hospital for injection)

There are times when some women may experience weight gaining or cramping. It's okay. Think humorously. It may be that the ovaries are working overtime.

Ultrasound examination was no pain at all. The symptoms that may occur may be not feeling well.

On the period of 10 to 15 minutes in the egg collection process. The patient is put in a sleep stage without any feeling. When waking up, they may feel a little pain such as a minor headache and cramping.

Is it painful while collecting the eggs

Is it painful while collecting the eggs

Which ages that suitable for eggs freeze?

Quality: Age causes the quality of genetic material in eggs that affecting the pregnancy. The abnormal chromosome causes miscarriage (many abortions are caused by unhealthy genetic material affecting the embryo) or the absence of pregnancy in women. Chromosomal abnormalities also cause genetic diseases in the syndrome group. The older age will cause more effects than younger.

1 . At the age of 20, over the normality chromosome in the eggs is 80-90 %
2. Over 30, the normality chromosome in the egg is 50 %
3. Over 40, the normality chromosome in the egg is 10-20 %

How Egg Freezing Stop Egg Aging?

When the egg comes out of the Uterus and has been frozen by a specialist. Eggs will not become old and weak. Although women cannot stop their aging but they can stop the age of the eggs.

When frozen eggs, it will help maintain the properties of an egg. We should know that women can be use frozen eggs to become pregnant. Through the use of modern technology to help.

Does egg freezing have complex procedures?

It takes 8-11 days to stimulate the hormones that stimulate the production of many eggs for that month, but not natural ovulation, that produces one at a time.

In the period of 5-7 times, under the supervision of the professional medical team including the examination and ultrasound doctor's diagnosis, the results of drugs used and rely on the growth of eggs for treatment plans.

In the last hormonal injection, we are able to collect eggs. The eggs were collected by anesthesia and surgery for only 15 minutes by collecting eggs from the ovaries. In general, the younger the better, because a dozen of eggs can be frozen in a week. Also, the quality of the eggs is in a good condition. In normal conditions, before the age of 30, there are healthy eggs. After the age of 35 will decrease. Remember that between the ages of 30 to 35 until the age of 40, women may use the method of freezing more eggs to increase the possibility of pregnancy, and to avoid affecting the quality of eggs. In this case many people tend to freeze large amounts of eggs

How many should eggs be frozen?

This has two or three factors. The most important thing is age, because the age of people who want to freeze eggs is the most likely prediction. We Cannot tell the exact number in guarantee of success pregnancy by using frozen eggs. Women under the age of 34 years, melting 9-10 eggs, generally able to have at least one child. For people aged 35-38 years, about 15 eggs will be fine. For people aged 38 or older, the numbers are currently quite limited. The method is that there may be frozen more than 20 eggs.

Collecting eggs at one time is enough?

Usually, during the teens can produce quite a lot of eggs. There are many teenage girls that are able to collect the eggs they need in the first place. But older women may need to spend weeks to be able to collect the eggs they need.

How long can eggs be frozen?

Reference scientific principles. Egg freezing has no time limit. Freezing eggs from 5-10 years is still able to give birth to a baby, The longest period reported is 14 years. There is no report that the strength of eggs or viability of the eggs will decrease with time.

Will frozen eggs have the same effect as fresh eggs?

From the experiment and report the received numbers, when the eggs are frozen and thawed in a standardized laboratory, life and freshness are not significantly different.

One of the best researches is using 600 couples in the use of fresh eggs and frozen mixed eggs, the result is that both methods can have the same pregnancy results, whether using fresh eggs or frozen eggs.

Egg freezing and IVF treatment Not the same?

Freezing the eggs means removing the eggs from freezing them and ending the process. Without giving birth to a baby, the aim is maintain egg mixing to prepare.

Side effect after Receive drugs medication?

Side effects that occur rarely Hormone fluctuations can cause headaches. Mood swings, insomnia, heat, breast pain, distension. In addition, most drugs are given by injection. Injections may cause headaches. Redness or allergic reactions are common symptoms that occur frequently. Sometimes, the drug suddenly stimulates the ovaries, causing the ovaries to over-stimulate or OHSS. These symptoms are only a small amount, which is less than 5 % OHSS may need to be controlled and monitored, including hospital stays.

There high occurrence of OHSS, but in general, doctors always pay more attention to the case.

After how long the egg has to be recovered?

Suggest that after egg collection, will needs to be rested for a couple of days and If there is pain after the surgery, you may have to recuperate for more days.

How are eggs prepared for storage?

Egg freezing equipment will be filled with liquid nitrogen for freezing and the storage temperature is at -196C until the day to be dissolved.

How will I know that are they suitable for freezing eggs?

In general, healthy women which currently do not have pregnancy plan yet, all suitable to freeze eggs.

The first step in egg freezing, should be diagnosed for pregnancy readiness, The care team will be able to diagnose your physical ability and strength during pregnancy. After that, an egg freezing plan will be created.