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IVF,PGD Procedures of STORK

PGD / PGS technology In addition to being able to detect genetic diseases before embryo transfer and also to detect chromosomal abnormalities And can also be checked to make sure that the embryo does not have any genetic changes At this time, it is the most modern technology. Not only can raise the pregnancy rate reduce the rate of abortion and can also avoid incomplete birth

Thailand has four technologies that help with pregnancy.

SNP Array

 SNP array technology (detection of genetic abnormalities with SNP detection)

Having a success pregnancy rate higher than 20% that is better than the fish technique.

Be able to detect abnormalities of 46 chromosome.

Giving more normality rate of newborn,It is used to check before becoming pregnant.

High accuracy(about 99.99%) and worlwide method to detect abnormalities for pre-pregnancy test.

It is useful to check the growth before transferring.

International single gene detection techniques using Karyomapping

International single gene detection techniques using Karyomapping

Compare DNA of parents and relatives to detect a single gene and able to analyte SNP up to Thirty thousand positions

DNA analysis and SNP comparison are able to select embryos with inherited characteristics

เNext Generation Sequencing Sequencing Technology (NGS)

Next Generation Sequencing Sequencing Technology (NGS)

In order to detect abnormalities before transferring the embryo into the uterus for

enhance the pregnancy quality and reduce the occurrence of abortion