What is heredity?

Inheritance studies are single studies with inheritance or genetic traits. Some special characteristics (including height, hair color, skin color, or the color of the eyes) are all caused by genes. Some physical strength may also be affected by genes. There are many people or families that abnormalities caused by changing genes. Sudden gene changes can be born from parents and pass on to children. There are some abnormal changes which may cause little effects such as color blindness or may have effects on the growth strength. If we want to be sure about a genetically transmitted disease or the possibility of a transmitted disease, then we may have to plan to consult about genetic diseases by genetic disease experts and genetic trends analysis

How is gene transfer transmitted?

Normally, a person has 46 chromosomes. These chromosomes contain DNA. It is a genetic material identification. Gene is a part of DNA to determine how humans are born. According to the work of the system, in the body of every person and every gene will have a copy. Between humans and almost all humans have the same genes, but each gene variant will be just one in the hundred. The characteristics of different genes are called variable genes. There are some genes that are abnormal. Abnormal genes can cause abnormal proteins or Abnormal amount of protein
Every pair of chromosomes (except gender), Chromosomes identify the genetic code if there are some abnormal genes, but some genes that have sufficient protein. Therefore, it will not develop symptoms of illness. That gene will be seen as a recessive gene. Another gene is considered a dominant gene because can produce enough protein Demonstrating the normalness of that person.

Genetic diseases?

In various illnesses, gene is very important. Genetic disease treatment is divided into three types. First, contagious diseases from a single gene, second caused by chromosome and the third double genes. Disease caused by a single gene is a disease caused by the problem of the genes of the gene. About the inheritance of genes There are six diseases caused by abnormalities of single genes.

  • Chromosomal dominant disease
  • Diseases caused by recessive chromosomes
  • Diseases caused by dominant sex chromosome genes
  • Disease caused by recessive sex chromosome gene
  • Inheritance of chromosome on Y chromosome
  • The genetic influence by the mother

Chromosomal diseases are caused by the changed number of chromosomes or the structure of the chromosome that has changed. The most common thing is thalassemia, hemophilia, fibrosis, myasthenia gravis, hearing impaired

Abnormal chromosome

Abnormal chromosome or chromosome numbers that do not reach the normal 23 pairs.

Down's syndrome caused by chromosomal abnormalities, is one of the symptoms of illnesses with chromosomal abnormalities caused by one extra pair of 21st chromosomes. Other than that, the most common are Edward syndrome caused by one extra pair of chromosome 18, Patau syndrome is caused by one pair of chromosome 13, more than including the occurrence of abnormalities of chromosome 16 pairs contain abnormal chromosome numbers, such as the Klinefelter's syndrome (47XXY), Triple X syndrome, Turner’s
syndrome group and abnormal chromosome structure

Including the switching of chromosomes, Chromosomal Ring Shifts , Chromosome is missing, Chromosome duplication, etc. Robertsonian translocation, Balanced chromosome switching, missing Chromosome, Chromosome duplication, which is the chrysoprase syndrome (5p) Prader-Willy syndrome (PWS), Lyman's syndrome etc.